Fantasy Audio Recording and Audiobooks Submission

Please follow the guidelines below for your recording submission:

Call For Vibease Fantasy Audio Recording Submission

Thank you for reading the submission guidelines for Vibease Fantasy Audio Recording and allowing us to consider your work. Without your creativity, we wouldn't have an Vibease Fantasy market. To submit your short audio recording, please follow the guidelines below.

We understand you want to receive speedy news of acceptance. So we will do our best to reply quickly and personally to each inquiry and submission. But with high volume of submissions, it may take some time to reply. Moreover, we apologize for any delay.

Guidelines at a glance

How to Submit and Upload

Sign up your Vibease affiliate account via

Audiobook submission will be done through our affiliate portal.

Audio Recording Guidelines

These recommendations are intended to product the best possible audio recordings. A good audio recording dramatically improves the overall quality of the Vibease Fantasy.


By submitting your recording, you are confirming that you have the rights, permissions and/or you own to the copyright to all materials used for the recording and granting usage of the work to Vibease. Vibease complies with DMCA takedown requests.

Vibease Fantasy Royalties

You are free to publish your fantasy on our Vibease Fantasy Market for a price, or making it free for all. Royaties is only applicable to chargeable Vibease Fantasy. The royalties is computed as below:

This Royalty fee computation is not applicable to FREE fantasy listed on Vibease Fantasy Market.
Vibease has the right to turn free fantasy into a chargeable fantasy. The royalty fee computation will apply.

Thank You

Thank you for your interest in Vibease Fantasy. If you have further questions regarding the submission of Vibease Fantasy audio recording, please send us an email at We look forward to your audio recording and have them listed on our Fantasy Market.